Life:Aligned Bootcamp

Get Aligned in Mind, Body, Spirit, and Action

  Enroll in Course

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

  • You feel stuck and directionless in life
  • You’re in a rut, spinning your wheels, trying to figure it out all on your own
  • You struggle with anxiety and depression, either freaking out about the future or bummed about what’s past
  • You feel purposeless, full of self-doubt, and question your gifts
  • You feel hopeless, negative, or pessimistic, talking yourself out of every idea because “it probably won’t work out anyway”
  • You Feel cut off from intuition and instinct, you can’t hear your body’s signals and don’t know how to start listening
  • You don't have daily rituals that nourish your spirit
  • You don’t have a network of positive people encouraging you toward your goals
  • You numb out or self-medicate with alcohol, substances, shopping, video games, gambling, endless netflix binges, or toxic relationships
  • Your internal voice is hyper-critical, constantly telling you you’re not good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, talented enough, or skilled enough
  • You compare yourself to others, feeling like you have to “measure up” before you’ll be “good enough” to start
  • You put everyone else’s needs ahead of your own, have a terrible time setting boundaries, and tell yourself you can’t ever do the things you want for yourself because other people
  • You overthink everything, procrastinate, self-sabotage, and constantly come up with things you need to do before you’ll be “ready” to change your life

…If you said, “Oh shit, that’s me” to more than 3 of these, then Life:Aligned Bootcamp is just for you!

"I’m Cera. I’ve been working as a teacher for than half my life, and as a coach for the last 4 years. I’ve worked with hundreds of people that all had seemingly different “issues,” and I’ve come to believe that no matter what the ‘symptoms’ are, they all come back to one root cause: Alignment. I believe Alignment exists in 4 quadrants: Aligned Mind, Aligned Spirit, Aligned Body, and Aligned Action. All four areas are intrinsically connected, and it’s really hard to move forward in one if you’re misaligned in another."

Life:Aligned Bootcamp is a deep, self-guided journey through each aspect of alignment, to help you totally break through anything that's blocking you, so that you can finally move from untapped potential to living the life of your dreams.

Are You Ready...

To Chart A New Course for Your Life, and Finally Gain the Clarity and Confidence to Forge Ahead Living A Successful, Purposeful, And Soul-Aligned Life?

In Life:Aligned Bootcamp, you will completely reformat your life by working through all 4 areas of Alignment in a focused, targeted way.

Using a blend of methodologies including videos, audio, reading, journaling/introspection, guided meditations, and movement practices, you will rebuild your internal framework from the ground up.

Information doesn’t teach, only experience teaches.

You can read every self-help book on the market, and write out every mantra a million times, but we are going to move these concepts into the realm of experience right off the bat, to get you seeing radical results.

(In my yearlong program, the MasterMoon group, we call this #LevelUpLifestyle, and it’s NO JOKE!)


"Wow! What a shift in perspective from day 1. After years of shrinking my comfort bubble to help me "manage" my moods, depression, and anxiety, I am beginning to open myself up. Getting my categories more aligned (mind, body, spirit, action) has been an eye opening experience. Cera has a knack for making you see things in a whole new way. Maybe there really is nothing "wrong" with me. What a concept! I love how I feel now that I'm thoroughly challenging old thoughts and beliefs."

- Carolyn M.

“I cannot express enough how Cera’s work has DEEPLY and PROFOUNDLY changed me. I’m propelling forward in a way that is just abundant with joy, even through some serious emotional shit. I’ve never loved myself this much in my entire life. Ever. Really real - I’ve had to do some intense work. Lots of crying, lots of digging up old wounds. Lots of self reflection. NOT. EASY. (Even now) BUT, I did it because I know I deserve all the love, dignity, respect, grace, success, abundance, and joy this life can offer (So do YOU, btw). And only *I* can give this to myself. It must come from WITHIN. It takes practice, but I’m getting there. And my world is opening up in beautiful ways. I’m tuning into MAGIC. I highly recommend following her and taking one of her programs.”

- Kim M

“Cera skillfully synthesizes and builds on existing wisdom using the lessons she’s learned in her own life. Her voice is real and straight up and uncompromising - like a cheerleader crossed with a fairy godmother crossed with your best friend who never lets you shit on yourself. It takes work, of course. No transformation happens without effort. Like so many things, you will get out what you put in. If you are feeling frustrated and stuck, if you’re tired of nothing working, if the self-critical voice in your head just won’t stop - invest in yourself. Sign up.” - Jennifer F

Your Instructor

Cera Byer
Cera Byer

I developed Life:Aligned Bootcamp as a complete resource to help you heal your life from the inside out.

After years of working with clients and students, one on one and in groups, I wanted to create a self-study course that combined all of the tools I use to create major transformations in Mindset, Emotions, Spirit, and Action, at a much more accessible price point than working with me for months one on one.

These tools are practical, comprehensive, and profound. As you progress through the material the shifts may feel subtle at first, but when you're done with this course you will find that if you've applied the teachings, it is a foundation for deep and long lasting change.

Course Curriculum

  Module 1: Aligned Mind Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1: Aligned Mind Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
Are There Refunds?

Right now, due to Covid-19, I am reopening this course and making it available for $44 ($622 off). If you are home, struggling, and need tools to get UNSTUCK, this is for you.

Get started now!